Monday, December 23, 2019

Marc Chagall s Over Vitebsk - 1215 Words

Jasmine Walthall Erik Day Art Appreciation 22 April 2015 Marc Chagall’s Over Vitebsk Most artist art work reflects the artist’s inner self, their feelings and thoughts about the world around them. Art is a way for artists to let whatever is in, out. It is also a way for them to show his or her inner thoughts and feelings about something to the rest of the world. Whether it be Upton Sinclair showing the world the nastiness of the meat packing industry and the struggles of the low class immigrants of America through his book The Jungle or how Taylor Swift express all of her heartbreak in every song she has recorded, art serves the purpose of conveying the artist’s thoughts and emotions. Marc Chagall’s painting is no different than any other artist. He is expressing his feelings through a work of art. Over Vitebsk gives us a look into his thoughts and inner most feelings. He expresses his thought and feeling about being Jewish and how Jewish people were treated in his society at this time period. His painting and better and holds more meaning then Taylor Swift but she was one of the first people to come to mind. His painting, Over Vitebsk, allows us, the viewers, to interpret and try to understand these thoughts and feelings, to attempt to see what he intended us to see, and allows us a glimpse into his inner self. Over Vitebsk concentrates on the subject matter of the Jewish community and how they were viewed in society. By painting the image of a floating Jewish man inShow MoreRelatedCase Study, Marc Chagall1973 Words   |  8 Pagesartist you have studied this year. Refer to work done by this artist to substantiate your statements. Marc Chagall was a Russian/French artist who was born into a poor family of Hassidic Jews on the 7th July 1887. Throughout his working life he was based in Russia from 1906-1910, then he moved to France for four more years before moving back to Russia and Soviet Belarus for eight years. Chagall was strongly influenced, but not limited to, movements such as Cubism, Fauvism and Surrealism. These movementsRead More Marc Chagall Essay1399 Words   |  6 PagesMarc Chagall Marc Chagall as an artist and as a person cannot be categorized. He was born in Vitebsk, Russia, learned to paint in St. Petersburg and lived in Paris, Berlin, and the United States. His career is influenced by many different factors. His Hasidic Jewish upbringing reflected in the content of his paintings greatly. The lyrical fairy tales of Jewish mysticism, the stories of the Bible, and the Rabbis and scholars who surrounded him in his childhood come out onto his work. When he went

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Statement of Ethics Issue Free Essays

Oct 20 2012 Oct 20 2012 ACCT 3121 Instructor: Ms. Julie Chenier ACCT 3121 Instructor: Ms. Julie Chenier | Written Assignment| | Student: Yichen Chen| | Written Assignment| | Student: Yichen Chen| To: Manufacturing Manager From: Becky Knauer Date: Oct 20 2012 Subject: Action of Ethnic Issue for Mueller Imports Dear Officer, My name is Becky Knauer, the new controller in Mueller Imports. We will write a custom essay sample on Statement of Ethics Issue or any similar topic only for you Order Now Being selected as an experienced automotive professional to join such a huge management team, I aim at using my objective view and competency in addition to all available sources to best assist the organization. Recently, while managing the financial statement, I realized there are several transactions that are susceptible for ethical issue. A $5000 monthly invoice billed from the jeweler was personally approved as â€Å"selling expense† by the company’s owner Frank Mueller. My investigation exposes that the red flag involves significant fraud: 1. The periodic watch offering to regional sales managers and other sales exclusives indicates the bribery. By receiving expensive rewards from Mr. Mueller, sales exclusives give biased car distribution to dealers. 2. The invoice billed by a local jeweler reveals the probability of collusion. Because the watch seller does not bill the transaction as a regular sale but explained it as a â€Å"miscellaneous service†, the jeweler has the high incentive to set the underground agreement with Frank Mueller. I suspect the indirect service charge conceals this fact. 3. The false financial statements presented by Mr. Mueller reveal the misrepresentation. Mueller’s action violates the policy of segregation of duties by overriding his right to authorize the controllable cost. His statement of this expenditure â€Å"selling expense† overstates the expense and understates the net income as well. He indirectly gains comparative advantages from the transaction called into question. Frankly, in the supply shortage market, the substantial sale and high profit goal are pushing the upper level management into a dilemma. It seems that the fraud is initiated by the owner Frank Mueller, regional sales managers, and other involved exclusives, trying to gain personal interests by committing the fraud. Even though the outstanding sales can bring in large profits for Mueller Imports in the short term, the significant performance will be reevaluated and disclosed to the public. Consequently, all individuals within the organization and third parties committing to fraud will receive their deserved penalties. In addition, if Mueller Imports announces bankruptcy, employees who are innocent from the fraudulent activities will also suffer unemployment. According to Tom York (Segregation of Duties, 22), engaging in corrupt practices creates a very unfavorable business environment by encouraging unfair advantage and anti-competitive practices. As a controller within the company, I have the right to establish the monitoring plans for internal controls to ensure that funds are expended and recorded appropriately on the financial report (Controller Job Description, 10). Referring to the IMA’s Statement of Ethical Professional Practice, the issue should be discussed with the higher level of supervisor or management who is not involved in the issue. Since the fraud is committed by the the top level of the organization, it is inappropriate to submit the issue to any level within the organization. However, it is impractical to hands-off because the activity of committing to the fraud which violate the code of ethnic. If I do nothing, I will be drawn into the concealment of fact as well. As far as I am concerned, it is not wise to fight the unethical issue with the upper level management, nor do I want to build a hostile relationship with the people of Mueller Imports. The most viable actions are: 1. Gather enough potential fraudulent statements, 2. Take an investigation of sale managers’ life activities 3. Carefully evaluate the control system. After gathering substantial evidence, I would like to initiate a confidential discussion with you as well as the IMA ethnic advisors. In accordance with code of ethics (IMA Statement of Ethical professional Practice, Page 1), I will provide objective information and concerns to the appropriate business associates in the confidential manner. Following the guidance of the code of ethics, I want to utilize my professional skills supported by the appropriate authority to address the issue. Your responses and concerns will be very important to deal with the issue. I hope it can be solved in a professional manner resulting the in the car market returning to a fair and healthy state in the long run. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Becky Knauer Work Cited: Controller / Business Manager Job Description http://autocareersjobs. com/automotive-dealership-job-descriptions/controller-business-manager-job-description/ The Association for Accountant and Financial Professionals in Business, IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice, www. imanet. org York, Tom, Segregation of Duties, UNC Charlotte, internalaudit. uncc. edu/sites/internalaudit†¦ /SegregationofDuties. pdf How to cite Statement of Ethics Issue, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Herman Melville A Biography And Analysis Essay Example For Students

Herman Melville: A Biography And Analysis Essay Herman Melville: A Biography And AnalysisThroughout American history, very few authors have earned the right tobe called great. Herman Melville is one of these few. His novels and poemshave been enjoyed world wide for over a century, and he has earned hisreputation as one of the finest American writers of all time. A man of toweringtalent, with intellectual and artistic brilliance, and a mind of deep insightinto human motives and behavior, it is certainly a disgrace that his truegreatness was not recognized until nearly a generation after his death. Born in the city of New York on August 1, 1819, Melville was the thirdchild and second son of Allan Melvill(it wasnt until Allans death in 1832 thatthe e at the end of Melville was added, in order to make a more obviousconnection with the Scottish Melville clan), a wholesale merchant and importerthen living in comfortable economic circumstances, and of Maria GansevoortMelvill, only daughter of the richest man in Albany, the respected andwealthy General Peter Gansevoort, hero of the defense of Fort Stanwix during theAmerican Revolution. In total, Allan and Maria had eight children. On his fathers side, his ancestry, though not so prosperous as on his mothers, was equallydistinguished. Major Thomas Melvill, his grandfather, was one of the Indiansin the Boston Tea Party during the events leading to the war and who had thenserved his country creditably throughout the hostilities. The Melvill familykept on their mantelpiece a bottle of tea drained out of Major Melvills clothesafter the Te a Party as a momento of this occasion. Herman attended the New York Male High School from about the age ofseven until 1830. By that time, Allan Melvills business had begun to fail, dueto his credit being overextended. After futile attempts to re-establish himself,he eventually found it necessary to accept the management of a New York furcompany back in Albany. The family moved there in the autumn of 1830, and duringthat time Herman attended, along with his brothers Gansevoort and Allan, theAlbany Academy. Just as luck seemed to again be favoring the Melvills, Allansbusiness affairs again suffered a setback. Excessive worry and overwork finallytook their toll upon his health. By January, 1832, he was both physically andmentally very ill. On January 28, 1832, Allan Melvill died. The shock of hisfathers financial collapse and his tragic death only slightly more than a yearlater took its toll on Hermans emotions. He was to draw upon this memory twodecades later in his writing of Pierre. In order to support the family, Herman took a position as an assistantclerk at a local bank, and his brothers Gansevoort and Allan took over theirlate fathers fur business. Possibly because of his mothers concern over hishealth, Herman left his position at the bank in the spring of 1834 and spent aseason working for his Uncle Thomass farm near Pittsfield. During the winter months of early 1835, Herman left Pittsfield andjoined his brothers in the fur business. Now fifteen and a half, he kept thebooks of the firm for the following two years. At some time during this periodhe enrolled as a student in the Albany Classical School. He also became ammember in the Albany Young Mens Association, a club for debating and reading,of which his brother was already a member. Such clubs, in absence of publiclibraries, were popular in many cities and served a most useful educationalpurpose. Within a year or two of education at the Albany Classical School, hehad become qualified as a school teacher. He left his brothers at the nowfailing fur company and became a teacher at a one-room schoolhouse outside ofPittsfiesd. On his first day of the new job, the inexperienced teacher wasconfronted with thirty students of all ages and levels of skill. Some were hisage, and a few utterly illiterate. In such extreme conditions Herman found ithard to maintain discipline, let alone teach. After six weeks, he gave up andreturned to Albany. For a few months, Herman looked for work without success. His leisurehours, though, were filled with excitement. Early in 1838 he organized adebating club and promptly got into a dispute over the presidency of the clubwith a rival member, which he eventually won. Before long, Maria Melvill was forced to admit that she could no longerafford to live in Albany. Faced with the prospect of having to constantly askher brother Peter for money, she finally decided to move her family toLansingburgh, a village not far from Albany near the Hudson River. Herman was in a difficult and unhappy position. Although he was almosttwenty years old, he was not contributing to the familys income and feltashamed. At the same time, he was unable to decide on a career or event settledown to a job. Perhaps because he remembered the stories of his uncle and twocousins who had gone to sea, Herman decided to try his own fate at sea. He askedhis brother Gansevoort to look for a ships berth for him, and almostimmediately, he was hired as a crewman aboard the St. Lawerence, a three mastedship that was preparing to cross the Atlantic from New York City to Liverpool,England. Shakespearean Comedies: Comparisions and Contrasts EssayMelville, eager to see the family he missed so, returned to Lansingburghwhere his mother still resided. His family was fascinated with his glorioustales of his journeys at sea; so much so that Hermans brother Thomas set sailhimself. Unfortunately, Herman was in the same situation in which he was beforethese adventures unemployed. He believed that if he put his stories on paper,he would find a publisher, and the vexing question of his career would beanswered he would become a writer. As he sat in his mothers house to write his first novel, Melvilleturned to the part of his South Seas adventure about which everyone was mostcurious: his stay among the cannibals. The story was his own, certainly, butin writing Typee, Melville established a habit that would follow throughout hiscareer. Hi used his own experiences as the skeleton of the book and fleshed outthe details with his own imagination. In Typee, he wrote about his escape from awhaling vessel with Toby, and renamed the ship the Dolly rather than theAcushnet. He also changed their departure, which in reality he was never in anyreal danger, to one of great heroics as they escaped from a horrible fate. Inaddition, he lengthened their stay on the island from four weeks to a gruelingfour months. He did find a publisher, and Typee, his first book, was publishedin 1846. The following year, Melville met and fell in love with a woman namedElizabeth Shaw, and they were married on August 4, 1847. They bought a home inNew York City, where they would remain for the rest of their lives. Togetherthey would have two sons, Malcolm and Stanwix, born in 1849 and 1851,respectively. Also born to them were two daughters, Elizabeth and Frances, in1853 and 1855. In 1851, the same year as the birth of his second son, Melville has hismost famous work published, Moby Dick, or, The Whale. Between the release ofTypee and Moby Dick, Melville wrote other books of lesser notoriety. Omoo (1847),a book about his stay in Tahiti; Mardi (1849), Redburn (1849), about his timespent in Liverpool, and White Jacket (1850). Moby Dick, as most people know, is the story of Captain Ahab and hisquest, which eventually becomes and obsessive monomania, to kill the great whitewhale Moby Dick. Today, Moby Dick is universally recognized as both Melvillescrowning achievement and a towering classic of American literature. The verything that bothered so many people when it was published the fact that itbroke the rules of writing and did so with such gusto is now seen as thesource of its power. Today, writers who mix genres or who create unique voicesand styles are admired. Thus Moby Dick is now regarded, not as a failed searomance or mixed up adventure story, but as a triumph of creative imagination,an example of how vast and all-embracing a book can be. Along with Mark TwainsHuckleberry Fin and Walt Whitmans Leaves of Grass, Moby Dick is considered acandidate for the greatest American novel. However, as aforementioned, hisgreatness was not recognized at this time. Melvilles later works, Pierre (1852), The Piazza Tales (1856), TheConfidence Man (1857), the poem Clarel (1876), and the post-mortumouslypublished Billy Bud (1924), went almost completely unnoticed until the early1920s, when a student of literature named Raymond Weaver approached theMelville family and was given permission to examine the papers Herman leftbehind in a tin box after his death. It was here Billy Bud was first discoveredand later published, which introduced a whole new generation to Melvilles work. Soon critics, students, and the general public were reading his novels andstories, and greeting some of them as masterpieces. In 1927, American novelistWilliam Faulkner declared that Moby Dick was the book he most wished he hadwritten. Knowing the quality of his work, one can not help but feel sympatheticto Melvilles passing. He died on September 28, 1891 in his home in New YorkCity, still unknown by the general public. If any writer deserved to berecognized and praised during their lives, Melville is that writer. Althoughunfortunate that his passing went almost unnoticed by the public, he is now andjustly so, an immortal in the annals of American literature, and his work willbe looked upon with both admiration and envy for many years to come. APPENDICESAny appendices should appear after the text of your term paper. BIBLIOGRAPHYUse the Bibliography TaskWizard to help you quickly and easilycreate a bibliography for your paper. Pick the same style as your footnotestyle.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sweatshops And Disney Essays - Anti-corporate Activism,

Sweatshops And Disney Consumers can play an important role in closing sweatshops, and they have a right to know what companies are using sweatshops to produce their product there are simple steps consumers can take to help fight against the use of sweatshops. Right now many famous companies are using sweatshops readily to save money. However, ironically, the companies that use them are the companies that can afford to spend the extra money for regular labor. Some of these name brand companies include; Nike, Disney, Kathie- Lee Gifford, Gap, Liz Claiborne, Ralph Lauren, and Wal-Mart. Many people have no idea that these companies are using sweatshops. Disney for example is a very well known company. No one would ever expect that their favorite childhood Disney memory could have been created through sweatshops and child labor. Disney is just one of the many well respected, loved companies with dark secrets. It is hard to believe as a consumer that a company that consumers have grown to trust and love uses such forced labor, with underaged sweatshop employees making consumers favorite characters come to life. Well, Peter and Rochelle Schweizer makes it clear that it could be a possibility: ? The face of Disney the manufacturer is not a pretty one. All too often Disney clothes, toys, and trinkets are made by child laborers. Disney licensees have been caught using child labor on three continents? (245). Many other companies are practicing the same type of labor policies without consumers's knowledge. If companies feel that sweatshops are a decent and fair way of doing business and have no problems with continuing to use them, they should at least make these reasons public and confront their consumers's concerns. They should let their consumers know why they choose to conduct their business in this manner. Consumers would then have the real information on the product that they choose, and not only what the company wants them to Mueckler 2 know. Consumers would then be able to base their product choice on work place conditions as well as the over all product information. Some companies's use of sweatshops have been made public. Kathie-Lee Gifford's designer clothes company for example was widely evident in the news in 1996. Gifford was shocked when she heard of the sweatshop conditions her company was using. Since this Gifford has been involved in organizing the Apparel Industry Partnership with the U.S. Department of Labor. This organization tries to crack down on the use of child labor. This is one example of where the public influenced a company to change its policies. This gives hope that with consumer support other companies can be influenced in similar ways. Disney, however, has not been so noteworthy in their efforts. Disney licensees go out of their way to bring their company to countries such as Burma, where the practice of child labor is a normal everyday event, and they exploit this to create their product as cheaply as possible. Schweizer explains how remote the locations that Disney licensees use, ? For years Disney licensees were manufacturing in a country few Americans could locate on a map. Burma- also known as Myanmar, the name given it by the ruling military junta- is a poverty - stricken nation wedged between India, China, and the lush mountains of Thailand.? (251). This is an ideal location because so few people are aware of it. This makes it easy for the Disney licensees to continue their business without being detected. Another insight to Burma is that drug lords hold great power and are protected by the government. Disney licensees had to get the permission to have sweatshops in Burma from these drug lords. This shows how the drug lords are the ones with the power in Burma. First companies must win the respect of these drug lords before they are able to work there. ? Burma's attraction as a manufacturing site is obvious: ultracheap labor.? (252). Mueckler 3 When consumers and human rights groups along with labor organizations took action in 1996, they did get a response from Disney. The National Labor Committee and other organizations together made Disney's involvement in Burma public with the Free Burma Campaign. Disney denied these claims. They pretended they had no involvement in Burma. They knew how the negative public announcement would hurt the company, which is the major reason why companies hide the facts from the consumers. Schweizer explains that many other respectable companies have volunteered to monitor their working conditions,

Monday, November 25, 2019

General P.G.T. Beauregard in the Civil War

General P.G.T. Beauregard in the Civil War General P.G.T. Beauregard was a Confederate commander who played a central role in the opening months of the Civil War. A native of Louisiana, he saw service during the Mexican-American War and, in 1861, received command of Confederate forces in Charleston, SC. In this role, Beauregard directed the bombardment of Fort Sumter which opened hostilities between the Union and Confederacy. Three months later, he led Confederate troops to victory at the First Battle of Bull Run. In early 1862, Beauregard helped lead the Army of Mississippi at the Battle of Shiloh. He career stalled as the war progressed due to his poor relationship with the Confederate leadership. Early Life Born May 28, 1818, Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard was the son of Jacques and Hà ©là ¨ne Judith Toutant-Beauregard. Raised on the familys St. Bernard Parish, LA plantation outside of New Orleans, Beauregard was one of seven children. He received his early education at series of private schools in the city and spoke only French during his formative years. Sent to a French school in New York City at age twelve, Beauregard finally began to learn English. Four years later, Beauregard elected to pursue a military career and obtained an appointment to West Point. A stellar student, the Little Creole as he was known, was classmates with Irvin McDowell, William J. Hardee, Edward Allegheny Johnson, and A.J. Smith and was taught the basics of artillery by Robert Anderson. Graduating in 1838, Beauregard ranked second his class and as a result of this academic performance received an assignment with the prestigious US Army Corps of Engineers. In Mexico With the outbreak of the Mexican-American War in 1846, Beauregard gained an opportunity to see combat. Landing in near Veracruz in March 1847, he served as an engineer for Major General Winfield Scott during the siege of the city. Beauregard continued in this role as the army commenced its march on Mexico City. At the Battle of Cerro Gordo in April, he correctly determined that the capture of La Atalaya hill would allow Scott to force the Mexicans from their position and aided in scouting routes into the enemy rear.  As the army neared the Mexican capital, Beauregard undertook numerous dangerous reconnaissance missions and was brevetted to captain for his performance during the victories at Contreras and Churubusco. That September, he played a key role in crafting the American strategy for the Battle of Chapultepec. Battle of Chapultepec. Photograph Source: Public Domain In the course of the fighting, Beauregard sustained wounds in the shoulder and thigh. For this and being one of the first Americans to enter Mexico City, he received a brevet to major. Though Beauregard compiled a distinguished record in Mexico, he felt slighted as he believed that other engineers, including Captain Robert E. Lee, received greater recognition. Fast Facts: General P.G.T. Beauregard Rank: GeneralService: US Army, Confederate ArmyBorn: May 28, 1818 in St. Bernard Parish, LADied: February 20, 1893 in New Orleans, LANickname: Little Frenchman, Little Napoleon, Little CreoleParents: Jacques and Hà ©là ¨ne Judith Toutant-BeauregardSpouse: Marie Laure Villerà ©Conflicts: Mexican-American War, Civil WarKnown For: Battle of Fort Sumter, First Battle of Bull Run, Battle of Shiloh, and the Battle of Petersburg Inter-War Years Returning to the United States in 1848, Beauregard received an assignment to oversee the construction and repair of defenses along the Gulf Coast. This included improvements to Forts Jackson and St. Philip outside of New Orleans. Beauregard also endeavored to enhance navigation along the Mississippi River. This saw him direct extensive work at the rivers mouth to open shipping channels and remove sand bars. During the course of this project, Beauregard invented and patented a device dubbed a self-acting bar excavator which would be attached to ships to aid in clearing sand and clay bars. Actively campaigning for Franklin Pierce, whom he had met in Mexico, Beauregard was rewarded for his support after the 1852 election. The following year, Pierce appointed him superintending engineer of the New Orleans Federal Customs House. In this role, Beauregard helped stabilize the structure as it was sinking into the citys moist soil. Increasingly bored with the peacetime military, he considered departing to join filibuster William Walkers forces in Nicaragua in 1856. Electing to stay in Louisiana, two years later Beauregard ran for mayor of New Orleans as a reform candidate. In a tight race, he was defeated by Gerald Stith of the Know Nothing (American) Party.   The Civil War Begins Seeking a new post, Beauregard received aid from his brother-in-law, Senator John Slidell, in obtaining an assignment as the superintendent of West Point on January 23, 1861. This was revoked a few days later following Louisianas secession from the Union on January 26. Though he favored the South, Beauregard was angered that he was not given a chance to prove his loyalty to the US Army. Leaving New York, he returned to Louisiana with the hope of receiving command of the states military. He was disappointed in this endeavor when overall command went to Braxton Bragg. Turning down a colonels commission from Bragg, Beauregard schemed with Slidell and newly-elected President Jefferson Davis for a high post in the new Confederate Army. These efforts bore fruit when he was commissioned a brigadier general on March 1, 1861, becoming the Confederate Armys first general officer. In the wake of this, Davis ordered him to oversee the escalating situation at Charleston, SC where Union troops refused to abandon Fort Sumter. Arriving on March 3, he readied Confederate forces around the harbor while attempting to negotiate with the forts commander, his former instructor Major Robert Anderson. Fort Sumter after its capture by the Confederates. Photograph Courtesy of the National Archives Records Administration Battle of First Bull Run On orders from Davis, Beauregard opened the Civil War on April 12 when his batteries began the bombardment of Fort Sumter. Following the forts surrender two days later, Beauregard was hailed as a hero across the Confederacy. Ordered to Richmond, Beauregard received command of Confederate forces in northern Virginia. Here he was tasked with working with General Joseph E. Johnston, who oversaw Confederate forces in the Shenandoah Valley, in blocking a Union advance into Virginia. Assuming this post, he began the first in a series of squabbles with Davis over strategy. On July 21, 1861, Union Brigadier General Irvin McDowell, advanced against Beauregards position. Using the Manassas Gap Railroad, the Confederates were able to shift Johnstons men east to aid Beauregard. In the resulting First Battle of Bull Run, Confederate forces were able to win a victory and rout McDowells army. Though Johnston made many of the key decisions in the battle, Beauregard received much of the acclaim for the victory. For the triumph, he was promoted to general, junior only to Samuel Cooper, Albert S. Johnston, Robert E. Lee, and Joseph Johnston. Sent West In the months after First Bull Run, Beauregard assisted in developing the Confederate Battle Flag to aid in recognizing friendly troops on the battlefield. Entering winter quarters, Beauregard vocally called for an invasion of Maryland and clashed with Davis. After a transfer request to New Orleans was refused, he was dispatched west to serve as A.S. Johnstons second-in-command in the Army of Mississippi. In this role, he took part in the Battle of Shiloh on April 6-7, 1862. Attacking Major General Ulysses S. Grants army, Confederate troops drove back the enemy on the first day. General Albert S. Johnston. Library of Congress In the fighting, Johnston was mortally wounded and command fell to Beauregard. With Union forces pinned against the Tennessee River that evening, he controversially ended the Confederate assault with the intention renewing the battle in the morning. Through the night, Grant was reinforced by the arrival of Major General Don Carlos Buells Army of the Ohio. Counterattacking in the morning, Grant routed Beauregards army. Later that month and into May, Beauregard squared off against Union troops at the Siege of Corinth, MS. Forced to abandon the town without a fight, he went on medical leave without permission. Already angered by Beauregards performance at Corinth, Davis used this incident to replace him with Bragg in mid-June. Despite efforts to regain his command, Beauregard was sent to Charleston to oversee the coastal defenses of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. In this role, he blunted Union efforts against Charleston through 1863. These included ironclad attacks by the US Navy as well as Union troops operating on Morris and James Islands. While in this assignment, he continued to annoy Davis with numerous recommendations for Confederate war strategy as well as devised a plan for a peace conference with the governors of the western Union states. He also learned that his wife, Marie Laure Villerà ©, died on March 2, 1864. Virginia Later Commands The following month, he received orders to take command of Confederate forces south of Richmond. In this role, he resisted pressure to transfer parts of his command north to reinforce Lee. Beauregard also performed well in blocking Major General Benjamin Butlers Bermuda Hundred Campaign. As Grant forced Lee south, Beauregard was one of the few Confederate leaders to recognize the importance of Petersburg. Anticipating Grants attack on the city, he mounted a tenacious defense using a scratch force beginning on June 15. His efforts saved Petersburg and opened the way for the siege of the city. As the siege began, the prickly Beauregard fell out with Lee and ultimately was given command of the Department of the West. Largely an administrative post, he oversaw the armies of Lieutenant Generals John Bell Hood and Richard Taylor. Lacking manpower to block Major General William T. Shermans March to the Sea, he was also forced to watch Hood wreck his army during the Franklin-Nashville Campaign. The following spring, he was relieved by Joseph Johnston for medical reasons and assigned to Richmond. In the final days of the conflict, he traveled south and recommended that Johnston surrender to Sherman. Later Life In the years after the war, Beauregard worked in the railroad industry while living in New Orleans. Beginning in 1877, he also served for fifteen years as a supervisor of the Louisiana Lottery. Beauregard died on February 20, 1893, and was buried in the Army of Tennessee vault at New Orleans Metairie Cemetery.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Advantage And Disadvantages Of Dividend Payout Policy Finance Essay

Advantage And Disadvantages Of Dividend Payout Policy Finance Essay When a company has a surplus of profit, it can be used either pay back the shareholders or reinvest into the business. The way that company pay back to shareholders is call dividend payout. In the recent years, the number of companies paying dividends has declined. For example, the PSEG Company in the United State, the payout ratio was about 67% in 2004 and fallen to 45% by 2007.Shows in the graph below: ( This essay will mainly discuss the advantage and disadvantage about the dividend-paying. What are dividends? Dividends are payment made by corporation to the shareholders. Dividends come from the profit earned by company. There are two ways where company spends the surplus of profit, one is to reinvest to the business and the other is to pay back to the shareholders as dividends. The companies who pay dividends are usually taking no benefit if the reinvest the surplus profit back into the business, under this condition dividends are chosen to pay to t he shareholders, which is call payout. The forms of dividends are variable. The most common one will be the made by cash, which is the most common method of sharing corporate profits with the shareholders of the company. The second one is the stock dividends that is paid in form of additional share and it is counted by proportion, for example, if the shareholder owns 100 shares of the stock with 5% stock dividends, the shareholder can gain 5 more shares. Others like property dividends are taken as dividends payout as well. Advantage of dividend payout policy There is certain amount of people of the rightist position state that company pays a high dividend payout is important for investors for the reasons that paying dividends can convince the shareholders about the company’s financial well-being. The higher rate of dividends payout shows better the company operating as well as larger number of profit, which might attracts the investors. Dividends are also attractive for the i nvestors who want to get the stable current income easily. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“There is also a natural clientele of investors, such as the elderly, who looking to their stock portfolios for a steady source of cash to live onà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  (P456, Richard, 2008). In principle, the shareholders could sell a part of the shares to gain money even if the company does not pay dividends, but it is more convenience for the investors to get the money if companies pay the dividends by checks. In this case, the payout policy of cash dividends will reduce the cost of transaction as well as the inconvenience for the shareholders selling the shares. In addition, the long-term stable dividends payouts could help the company less affected by the changes of the dividends. Those companies with long history of stable dividends will be less influenced if the dividends decrease, but will be positively affected when dividends payout increases or even dividends stay the same level. Furthermore, companies with out a dividend history are generally viewed favorably when they declare new dividends. The dividends announcement has resulted in a 4% rise of the stock price according to the dividend initiations studied by Healy and Palepu (P448, Richard, 2008).

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Performance Management For a Profit Organization Thesis

Performance Management For a Profit Organization - Thesis Example This section summarizes the study or the convenience of the readers. The first section of the study is the introductory part which includes a background of performance management and its external and internal factors. The external factors which affect performance management are share prices, environment of the market, competition, reputation, regulatory environment, etc. On the other hand the internal factors are the employees, management, labor unions, suppliers, etc. The performance management techniques and produces utilized by profit-making organization are effective or non-effective would be identified through the research that is done in this study. The critical review of the literature contradicted the stated problem of this research. The problem was that the current performance management procedure or practices are not effective. However, the critical review of literature has been put forward to prove the fact that the present performance management frameworks in profit-making organizations are proving to be effective. The literature review has been streamlined with research objectives and problem areas in order to find an effective solution. The traditional performance management framework was based on remuneration and financial performance of the company. The employees, their skill, and performance appraisal was planed based on their last drawn salary of the individual. However, this scenario has changed now. The performance, productivity, creativity, skill, and enthusiasm of the employees to contribute towards the sustainability of the company are taken into account in case of performance management as well as performance appraisal. Training and development are very effective in such case because the low performing employees are not punished, but they are given the opportunity to enhance their skill and knowledge, so that they can also pull themselves up. In the research methodology part it has

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Ptr 100 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ptr 100 - Essay Example Australia, on its part, has played the role to a certain extent, and also has its own share of challenges to counter, as a Middle-Power, especially as part of the United Nations framework. This paper is an attempt to outline the status of Australia as a Middle-Power and its role in the United Nations' framework of Diplomacy. In the aftermath of the Cold War, Australian Foreign Minister, Gareth Evans strategically placed Australia as the 'middle power' that would eventually play an important role in coalition-formation and thus, frame some kind of leadership initiative of activist nature. "In a book co-authored with Bruce Grant, Evans sought to resuscitate an idea which he believed had fallen into disrepair since the 1970s. "Middle power diplomacy" had "regained some currency as the most useful way of describing the kind of role that some nations like Australia have been playing in recent times, or to which they might reasonably aspire"." (The Australian Journal of Politics and History, Dec, 2007 by Carl Ungerer ). Thus, the concept of a middle-power, is one that has gained momentum in today's world that no longer suffers solely from the dichotomy of the small powers and big powers. Ever since, Australia's foreign polic... The Australian government has been trying to build up cooperation in forums like the ANZUS, APEC, ASEAN, etc, with not just its regional neighbours, but also other influential players in the larger criteria of the region, like China and India. As the fifth largest economy in East Asia, Australia has indeed an important role to play. While this is the effect in the regional for a, Australia has been playing a rather active role in the United Nations, as well. The website of the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade outlined this aspiration of the country. The country's aspirations to secure international peace, security and cooperation, to work for humanitarian cause et al, has been outlined. "On coming to office in December 2007, the Australian Government made clear its commitment to the multilateral system as one of the three fundamental pillars of Australia's foreign policy. Australia is determined to work through the United Nations to enhance security and economic well-being worldwide, and to uphold the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter. Australia is determined to help address serious global challenges including conflict prevention, international development, climate change, terrorism and the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction The Security Council plays a key role in addressing many of these challenges, and we stand ready to take on the responsibility of helping to address these

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Movement Towards Decolinization Essay Example for Free

Movement Towards Decolinization Essay Introduction â€Å"Movement Towards Decolonization .† Before I start the basic part of my coursework introduction I would like to define these words and the meaning of this statement . Movement an act of changing location or position . Towards moving or coming to a particular direction . Decolonization to grant independence to a colony . With my understanding the statement â€Å"Movement Towards Decolonization † is literally meaning that The Bahamas was making a change in government and the rights for Bahamians in their own society . They know what they needed to accomplish and where they were headed to become not only independent people but an independent nation to better our Bahamian Society from a colony . In this history coursework I’m going to write a detailed account of the Burma Road Riot in Nassau, Bahamas in 1942 . What effects the Burma Road Riot had on the development of political parties and trade unions of The Bahamas . Also act as a member of the Taxi Cab Union during the General Strike of 1958, where I’m speaking about what I’ve experienced . Lastly is to give an explanation of the sources given which I consider to be true and prove that the 1942 riot was responsible for the political changes that took place during the 1950’s and 1960’s . Question 1 a) Write a detailed account of the Burma Road Riot in Nassau, Bahamas. The Burma Road Riot occurred in the year of 1942 due to unfair wages . During 1942, with the Americans being at war, the US decided to expand Oakes Field to establish new air bases . The Pleasantville Company was responsible for the construction . As a result of the expansion, three hundred jobs became available to Bahamians and Americans who were hired to work on this project . However the Americans were paid more than the Bahamian workers even though they performed the same work . Discontent arose among the Bahamian workers and resulted in a riot, and Bahamians also thought this was because racial discrimination because the Americans were white . Hundreds of workers left their jobs at the Oakes Field Airport and marched onto Bay Street . On Monday morning June 1st , hundreds of workers, who carried machetes, sticks or clubs marched into town and gathered in the vicinity of the public buildings which rioting and looting took place where five persons died and many were wounded . The rioters were addressed by few officials who urged peaceful demonstrations . In the main time, however other demonstrations were surging up Bay Street from the West, smashing windows and looting shops . Fire was set to a shop on Bay Street, which had threatened the entire district . Police Officers made an attempt to restore order . The Riot Act was read and a curfew was strictly enforced that same day prohibiting anyone who isn’t a member of arm forces or police from being outdoors between 8pm and 6am . On June 8th the curfew was revoked . Another reason for the riot taken place was economic depression . Bahamians were poorly represented in Parliament which at the time highlighted racial discrimination . As a result of the riot, the governor announced that the wage of the unskilled workers would be raised from 4 shillings to 5 shillings a day . In addition there was a free meal provided . Reforms were seen as a necessity in the field of taxation of representation . There was a need for modern labor legislation to be impacted in the field of trade unionism and workers compensation . It is interesting to note that Randol Fawkes was known as the father of labor . b) What factors contributed to the social unrest of the 1930’s and the 1940’s? Their is a history of Trade Unions Movement in The Bahamas during the 1930’s and the 1940’s . It is closely associated with the struggle for social and economic justice for the people of The Bahamas . Before independence in 1973 The Bahamas was controlled by the colony of Great Britain an even though Trade Unions were operating in Britain at the time, the Trade Unions that were in existence in The Bahamas before 1943 were operating illegally . The earliest attempt to form a Trade Union in The Bahamas was recorded in 1866 when employees of The Morton Salt Company in Inagua formed the Salt Workers Union . This union soon became an in-house union and because of the small size of the operation of the company was dissolved . There were two other unsuccessful attempts to form unions here in The Bahamas . In 1935 the Associated Bahamas Car Owners and Taxi Cab Drivers Union was formed . The Modern Trade Union movement in The Bahamas began early in the 1930’s with the formation of the Taxi Cab Union . Trade Unions have played a balance role in the development of the country . The first benefits of Workers in The Bahamas began with the riots of 1942 (Black Tuesday) . Also there was no form of Bahamian government to represent the people of the nation . Question 2 What effects did the social unrest of the 1930’s and the 1940’s have on the development of trade unions and political parties in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas? Using Source B, â€Å"As a consequence of the riot, the first awakenings of a new political awareness began to be felt in the hearts of black people, time and remarkable foresight, courage and initiative of a few dedicated members of that majority were all that were required to crystallize this awareness into a mighty political force.† Prior to 1953, there were no political parties in The Bahamas . The Bahamas was governed by a small group of merchants known as the Bay Street Boys . The Bahamas was not represented equally until they organized a political party, forcing the proprietary to do the same . In October 1953 when the Progressive Liberal Party was formed by Black Bahamians . The Progressive Liberal Party was established by William W. Cartwright . The Progressive Liberal Party fought against racial discrimination, also being able to allow women to vote . In 1956 anti-discrimination resolution was introduced in the House of Assembly and was easily passed opening restaurants, hotels and the theatres to those who were once not allowed because of their skin color . Another effect was in the growth and development of the Trade Union Movements occurred in January 1958, and was known as the General Strike of 1958 . The strike is known to be one of the three significant events that heralded the Labor Movement and solidified its place in history as the catalyst for social economic justice for the Bahamian workers. The primary dispute of the General Strike was between the Government and the Taxi Cab Union . It began on November 1st, 1957 as a result of the Government granting contracts to white tour companies and because of this the Taxi Cab Union was informed that their services were no longer needed . Under the leadership of Sir Clifford Darling and others, the Taxi Cab Union blocked all traffic to and from Nassau International Airport and the Commissioner and his policemen could not do anything about this situation . After several weeks of negotiation an no agreement or settlement was taken place, the Taxi Cab Union called on The Bahamas Federation of Labor led by Sir Randol Fawkes and asked for assistance . The strike was around tourist season . Sir Randol Fawkes responded that a General Strike should be called, not only for the Taxi Cab Union but also to dramatize the fight for all Bahamians for greater dignity and self-respect on the jobsite through decent wages and better working conditions . There was no violence carried out by the striking workers and leaded Bay Street businesses . On 29th January, 1958, His Excellency Sir Raynor Arthur brought representatives of the Taxi Cab Union and the Tour Companies together at a conference where they signed a detailed agreement providing equal division of transportation to an from the airport . Mr. Randol Fawkes was elected to the House of Assembly in 1956 and was the only member of the Labor Party in Parliament . Due to the 1958 strike the pressure was put on by the opposition and the Government of The Bahamas called an election in 1962 . When the opposition could not correct the faults because of the United Bahamian Party’s control in Parliament, the Labor Movement and the opposition went to the International Community . The corrupt charges brought against the United Bahamian Party involved the Casino Industry which suddenly got an reaction from many persons around the World. During election in 1967, and because the Labor Party made sure the word of corruption in Government was spread this made them play a major role . In the 1967 elections there were four candidates from the Labor Party but only Randol Fawkes was successful . There were only 38 seats in the House of Assembly, and the United Bahamian Party and the Progressive Liberal Party 18 seats so because of this the each representative had to make a decision to join together . Randol Fawkes paved the way for Black Majority Rule in The Bahamas . Under the Progressive Liberal Party Government, Sir Randol Fawkes became the first Minister of Labor and embarked on a mission to adopt new Labor legislation that would change the scope of The Bahamas for many years . However, in 1967 the Trade Union Movement was the major factor in the Progressive Liberal Party becoming Government of The Bahamas as a result causing Majority Rule in the Country . Since 1967, the Trade Union Movement has been able to have a powerful effect in the election of both the Progressive Liberal Party and the Free National Movement Government . There are four major events in the history of The Bahamas that mean something to the critical role to the Trade Union Movement played in the growth and development of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas . Also the Trade Union Movement played a significant role in the fight for independence of The Bahamas . Sir Randol Fawkes, who was the member of Parliament and leader of the Bahamas Federation of Labor made the first move in trying to put in place the lead to independence . On September 10th, 1966 Sir Randol Fawkes made a motion on the floor of House of Assembly for a select committee to invite the Government of The United Kingdom to convene a Constitutional Conference to establish the guidelines for the independence of The Bahamas . A wise person once said, â€Å"The Labor Movement is the bedrock of the Bahamian economy. If there are no workers in the hotels, no teachers in schools, no nurses in the hospitals, no workers in civil service and corporations, the country would come to a stand still.† Question 3 You are a member of the Taxi Cab Union during the General Strike of 1958. Give an account of your experiences during the strike. When the Nassau International Airport had opened, we thought this meant better days to come . Being apart of the Taxi Cab Union our hopes were high because this meant more tourist coming to Nassau, New Providence where this meant we would be able to provide for our families and still could buy a nice watch from the money left, well we thought wrong! It all started in 1957 when the Government had granted the white tour companies the exclusive right to operate transportation services between the Nassau International Airport and the city . Therefore we, the taxi cab drivers were not needed . The Taxi Cab Union officers thought this may cost their company to be out of business . It also threatened our lively hood, wondering how would be able to provide for our families . When my wife heard about this she asked what will I do because there wasn’t any money coming in . I told her I really loved my job, so others and I would push the issue . Our leader of the Taxi Cab Union, Sir Clifford Darling told us, the taxi cab drivers to block all traffic to and from the Nassau International Airport and he took the keys for the taxi’s so we wouldn’t be able to move the vehicles when asked to do so . No one could of control this situation . After several weeks of negotiations that failed the matter erupted again in January 1958 . This came to the height of the tourist season . The officers of the Taxi Cab Union called on Sir Randol Fawkes who led the Bahamas Federation of Labor and asked him to help us with the situation . He responded and said that we should held a â€Å"General Strike† with other Bahamian workers who were treated unfair on their jobsites, fighting for self-respect, decent wages and better working conditions . I couldn’t believe the amount of Bahamian workers who not only supported the Taxi Cab Union but other workers and themselves . There was both men and women up and down the West and East of Bay Street . I also remembered British Troops were sent to try get control of the situation but was unsuccessful . At the end of the month of January the Governor brought one of the Tour Company representatives and one of the Taxi Cab Union representatives together to make a deal for equal division of transportation of tourists to and from the Nassau International Airport . Order and peace was brought back at the airport and everyone had a fair chance even the other Bahamian workers, which was a success by getting wage incensement and fair treatment . Question 4 Study ALL the sources . â€Å"The 1942 riot was ultimately responsible for the political changes that took place during the 1950’s and 1960’s . Do these sources prove this view to be true? Explain your answer fully . Yes the 1942 riot was ultimately responsible for the political changes that took place during the 1950’s and 1960’s, but only Sources A, B, and D I find to be true . Source A says that, â€Å"The 1942 riot in Nassau was a short-lived spontaneous outburst by a group of disgruntled laborers, and occurred against a background of narrow socio-economic and political parties .† This statement I find to be true because the Burma Road Riot occurred because of unhappy workers who were obviously treated unfairly, different from the White American workers, the Black Bahamian men were payed less than the white workers . Therefore I feel as if it was racial discrimination taken place . About 16 years later there was a General Strike in 1958, where unions were unpleased and because of this these events played a major role in society . They decided someone had to stand out for Bahamian rights . This is where political parties came into place to represent Black Bahamians and not only the workers . The first political party formed in The Bahamas was in October 1953 known as the Progressive Liberal Party, which can be understood in Source B where it is stated that, â€Å"As a consequence of the riot, the first awakenings of a new political awareness began to be felt in the hearts of black people, time and the remarkable foresight, courage and initiative of a few dedicated members of that majority were all that to crystallize this awareness into a mighty political force . Someone had opened there eyes and see that the Bahamians were facing major problems not amongst each other but amongst the people they worked around and worked for . They needed to be defended and one person couldn’t have done it alone, so brave men who were dedicated to their country and own people came together and formed something that I won’t call a political party but of leading fathers of our nation who made it better for not only their generation but for future generations . Some like Sir Randol Fawkes, Sir Lynden O. Pindling, Arthur Hanna, Sir Milo Butler, Curtis McMillan, Clarence A. Bain, Sir Clement Maynard, Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield, Carlton Francis, Sir Alvin Braynen, Warren Levarity and Geoffrey Thompson . However Source D I also find to be true because after the riot and the strike there was an improvement of the Government, where they stood up for all Bahamians and Sir Lynden O. Pindling stated and I quote, â€Å"When the great heroes of our struggle stood on Burma Road, he intoned, they did not stand alone . When they stood in the General Strike against the property vote they did not stand alone .† Therefore he was right because a political party stepped in and defended the rights of the Bahamian labor unions, where this was a great achievement because if a political party hadn’t stepped in The Bahamas would of probably be the same before the year of 1942, where we would’ve got treated unfairly . Conclusion This coursework have open my eyes, to see that Bahamians fought for their rights and the great people who did it from the Progressive Liberal Party, the Taxi Cab Union, the Bahamas Federation of Labor and the Labor Party . Also this helped me to read and understand . Understanding the history of The Bahamas and what great deed those legends did for The Bahamas . Which they made it better not only for their generation but for my generation and generations to come . If it wasn’t for Black Bahamians fighting for their rights, Black Bahamians would’ve of probably still be treated unfairly, some may have live in poverty, lack of non-racial government and no independence from England . This coursework has helped me a lot to understand history and its meanings .

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Overuse of Antibiotics :: Medicine Health Persuasive Essays

Thesis: With the advent of antibiotics in 1929 Fleming said, "The time may come when penicillin can be bought by anyone in the shops.Then there is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug make them resistant."With the overuse of antibiotics today we have seen this very idea come to be.Over usage is caused most prevalently by a lack of education on the part of the patient.Thus stated, the way to overcome such a circumstance is to educate, not only the patient but also the physician. Generally in life, an overabundance of anything is thought of as a blessing.For instance, most people would say that there is no point where someone has too much money, or too much time; however, having and using too many antibiotics can be a problem.With the advent of antibiotics in 1929 Fleming warned that, "The time may come when penicillin can be bought by anyone in the shops.Then there is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to non-lethal quantities of the drug make them resistant."[1]Following with Fleming's words antibiotics need to be prescribed in a judicious fashion, not of one with a careless action, "one third of the 150 million outpatient prescriptions are unnecessary."[2]With the overuse of antibiotics today we have seen this very idea come to be.Over usage is caused most prevalently by a lack of education on the part of the patient.Thus stated, the way to overcome such a circumstance is to educate, not only the phys ician but also the patient. Alexander Fleming started the history of antibiotics in the 1920's with his discovery of penicillin.When penicillin was first discovered and used widely, it was touted as a wonder drug, and consequently was used as one.Though not necessarily harmful to the patient penicillin was used for much more infections than it was able to combat.Today the same practice is observed in the medical profession, however at this point it is due more to the detriment of an uneducated public.Studies have been carried out that show the huge over usage of antibiotics.In the seventies Soyka et al, concluded, "60% of physicians surveyed gave antibiotics for the treatment of the common cold."[3], and by common knowledge the common cold is a virus, something that cannot be treated by an antibiotic.Nyquist

Monday, November 11, 2019

Does Alexander II deserve his historical reputation? Essay

In recent historical perspectives, Alexander II has been described as the Tsar Liberator, the man who freed and ‘modernised’ Russia. Alexander II succeeded to the throne in 1855, at the height of the Crimean War, a war which clearly portrayed the strong backwardness of Russia in comparison to countries such as England and France. It was due to this that the newly appointed Tsar proposed several new reforms to modernise Russia, to be at the same stage of Western countries. This essay will be focusing on whether Alexander deserves the title of the Tsar Liberator and whether he truly freed Russia. The first move Alexander II made to free Russia was the idea of emancipating the serfs within Russia. In 1861, Alexander issued his Emancipation Manifesto which proposed seventeen various things that would all contribute to freeing the serfs. Serfs were granted a personal freedom of two years, when full freedom would then be granted. Farming serfs were given plots of land in accordance to the size of their family to look after. Landowners got paid compensation in return for giving peasants pieces of land. The serfs would also get wages for working, something which had never occurred in Russia before. Alexander thought giving the serfs freedom would give me a wider range of support. This therefore, supports Alexander’s current reputation. He was the ‘Tsar Liberator’ as he liberated the serfs and gave them their freedom. However, peasants were not actually given full freedom and were bound by several terms of their ‘freedom.’ To begin with, the serfs were not just given plots of land, but had to pay for them. Landowners generally sold land for 134% more than it was actually worth, and regardless to selling it for extortionate prices, they gave the peasants the bad and infertile land and kept the good farming land for themselves. Additionally, peasants lost the right to forage in the forests, use grazing land and any woods that surrounded their land. They had to pay for any resources needed, including logs. Therefore, even though the serfs were now free, they were often bound by economic difficulties. Due to the new expenses of natural resources and infertile pieces of land, serfs generally received less land than they originally had and experienced numerous economic difficulties. Also, this liberation of all serfs and granting them the access to farming land which they would be paid for was not true for all serfs. Domestic serfs were given freedom, however, they received no land and found it hard to find new jobs, leading to many serfs being unemployed and in a worse state than they were originally in. Many things had to change as a result of the emancipation of the serfs, seeing as they now had a new ‘freedom’. As a result of liberating the serfs, a new system of law and order had to be created to replace the landowners which originally sorted such matters. A system of elected councils known as the zemstvo were introduced. The governor, appointed by the Tsar, was in control of taxes, appointing officials and had to maintain law and order. The Zemstvo were a local assembly introduced during the major liberal reforms during the reign of Alexander II. Each district elected representatives who had control over the education, roads and agriculture of that region. The zemtvo helped the Tsar increase his liberal image. However, not much was done to change the existing social order. The nobility controlled 75% of the zemstvo compared to only 10% held by peasantry. Therefore it is impossible to say that Alexander was the ‘Tsar Liberator’ as Russia was still not liberal and the peasantry were still classed to be below the nobility. The vote of a noble person was worth forty of a peasant vote. Even though this voting system was a large step, it was still rigged and was mostly controlled by those the Tsar considered loyal. For the reform to be completely liberal, the governmental reforms would have led to a national assembly, however, Alexander II refused to surrender his autocratic control. Originally, the zemstvo did not gain much public support either. Nevertheless, the zemstvo was to become much more important and successful in the near future. For example, in 1914, the zemstva were the main people who helped with the production of war goods in preparation for World War I. regardless, Alexander II had laid the foundations for future success. Therefore, in conclusion, Alexander II was not a liberator as his reputation suggests, as social order did not change and voting systems were corrupt. Therefore, he cannot be called the giver of freedom as peasants were still bound by the constraints of the social order. Yet, the introduction of law and order to Russian life was not the only reform Alexander II introduced to ‘liberate’ Russia. The introduction of the zemstvo was only one of the reforms put forward by Alexander II. After ‘freeing’ the serfs and introducing a new local government, Alexander II proceeded to reform the education, military and legal systems. Before the reforms, the judicial system was chaotic. However, Alexander reformed the whole of the legal system. No longer were there different courts for different classes, equality was introduced for all classes. Judges were to be better trained and paid higher wages to prevent bribery and the abuse of power that once occurred. All of these reforms were introduced to make the legal system fair by making the peasantry equal to the nobility. However, although this was what was theoretically meant to happen, the optimistic outcome did not always occur. Bribery still happened, regardless of how well paid the judges became. Judges still accepted money of people who offered it, mainly being the nobility. Therefore, the legal system was still not legitimate. Also, these reforms were not introduced to all provinces in Russia, for example, the legal system was still chaotic in the Caucus region. The military was also changed as a result of Alexander’s reforms. Modern weapons were introduced and officers were given proper training. Convicts were no longer drafted into the army, thus strengthening it ass before, convicts jeopardised potential wins for the military. The length of service was also decreased from what was originally a death sentence, and generally lasted longer than life expectancy itself to 15 years active service and 10 year leave in reserve. This reserve was vast and could be mobilised whenever required. Additionally, these military reforms restored Russia’s international reputation as well as Alexander’s as ‘Alexander the Great,’ both the country and its Tsar regained their powerful reputation from when they lost it during the Crimean Wa r. However, these reforms were strongly opposed by the nobility and merchants of Russia who disliked the prospect of service in the ranks. Therefore, whether Alexander deserved his reputation in this case is simply a matter of principle and social order. Nobility would have disagreed with this recent reputation, whereas the peasant s may have supported it for giving them some of their life back without having to spend it all in military service. Therefore, for some, he was a liberator, yet for others, he got them involved in things they didn’t want to. Finally, Alexander II also made many reforms to the education system. The standard of teaching was improved and education was generally extended out to all classes, increasing the number of schools and pupils in Russia as a result. Secondary schools extended the most with doubling numbers to 800,000 in the 1860s after allowing females to enrol into their schools. The number of university students was also previously allowed to rise and as a result, universities had more graduates and were given a greater independence in 1886. It was no longer just the nobility that were allowed to attend universities, but all classes went. Due to a relax in censorship, lectures were also permitted on European government and Philosophy. The new university statute gave universities more autonomy. However, the education reforms, as with all the other reforms, did not change the selected area into a completely liberal system. The government retained the right to veto any university appointments or ban any student organisations. Many universities were also closed as a result. Therefore, this was not a liberal move, anything the universities did could be reversed by the government, with the Tsar keeping his autocracy, not liberating the education system at all. Nevertheless, Alexander did produce these reforms to begin liberalising Russia and even if they did not modernise Russia immediately, they laid the foundations for the future. Also, these reforms were more significant and liberal than any other reforms other Tsars implemented. Therefore, when looking at these reforms, it is valid to say he was the ‘Tsar Liberator.’ However, these reforms did not last forever. When the number of university students went up, so did the opposition towards Alexander II. This was when he began to change his reforms. Alexander II could not have been the ‘Tsar Liberator,’ otherwise he would not have faced constant opposition after he introduced his numerous reforms. By 1855, there were over 140 magazines in circulation, containing new, revolutionised ideas. Alexander’s reforms failed to satisfy his critics amongst the liberal and social ranks. The relaxation on censorship meant that criticising the Tsar became much easier. Also, the increase in the number of Russian citizens going to universities meant the country’s top intelligentsia were being exposed to revolutionised, westernised ideas. Many opposition parties wanted equality, rather than the nobles experiencing favouritism as a result of the new reforms. In 1862, a manifesto was written by student radicals, suggesting a revolution was the only solution to the country’s problems. During the reign of Alexander II, there were high levels of peasant and student unrest. A student revolutionary group called Land and Liberty, later regrouped as the People’s Will, were the original terrorists of Russia. They attempted to assassinate Alexander II, assuming that if they got rid of him, they would get the liberal reforms they really wanted, such as the introduction of a constitution that provided elections and the end to censorship. Several attempts were made to end the Tsar’s reign. After the first attempt to kill him, Alexander reversed his reforms, as he assumed they were what caused the public backlash. Censorship was once again tightened and the number of students allowed to go to university declined. He changed to a rule of repression. However, just after he was assassinated, he was planning to produce another reform, granting the Russian people a constitution. However, this was never passed as he was killed first. Therefore, if Alexander really was the ‘Tsar Liberator’ he wouldn’t have accumulated such opposition from liberal students, and after he realised he had such opposition, he changed his stance. However, just before he was killed, he attempted to pass his final reform, the most liberal one of the lot. However, as he was killed before it was announced to the Russian public, it was never passed within his reign, so he cannot be classed as a liberator as he died before he had chance to be. Therefore, this essay concludes that although Alexander II maintained a generally liberal course throughout his reign, he does not deserve the title ‘Alexander the Great’ or the ‘Tsar Liberator.’ This is mainly due to his failures. Although his reforms were meant to liberate Russia, they never went to plan and often backfired, causing a decline in liberalism and an increase in opposition. However, if he had not have been assassinated, it is questionable as to whether he would have deserved the title then. Just before his death, he was proposing one of his most liberal reforms yet and maybe if this had gone though, he truly would have been the Tsar Liberator. However, it is not possible to say he was with the reforms that he passed as they generally lead to the citizens of Russia wanting more.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Live by the foma (harmless untruths) that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy

Foma, are an everyday part of life. No one knows if there truly was a person who created the earth and all its inhabitants, or if one person can start a whole new way of life with just one idea. One must live by certain foma, but at the same time a person must know which ones not to live by. America itself is one giant foma. There are untruths about religion, family life, war, and society in general spread all across America today. Religions are foma in themselves, for it is not certain what a religion is based on, or if the stories of that religion are even true. People, not just in America, but all around the world believe in something that has not been proved. The family lives in America are also foma. There has not been an American family found in any historical account, in which the children were perfect. Humans are, and will never be perfect. The next major crisis in America is war. Terrorists are trying to attack the country, and they expect to do so just because the country is distracted by a few anti-war protests. No matter how hard people try to argue against war, it always happens, just like no matter how hard soldiers train, they will never be fully prepared for war. Lastly, society is one large foma. Social classes seem to be taking over America. The more money a person has, the more money that person will get. However, if another person has very little money, then his or her amounts of money will just keep decreasing. The way a person walks, talks and acts all contribute to the social status of that person, therefore determining his or her own destiny. Everyone lives by at least one foma, and family life is the most important one. Families all over the world have struggled to be the â€Å"perfect† family seen on television. But no matter how hard they try, it won't happen. The trouble with the world being all lies, is that it is hard to find a truth to live by. However, there is one: all religions are lies. People do not go to church to make themselves better in the eyes of the Lord, God, etc. Today, prayer is used for the greed of society and not for how it was originally used, to cleanse society. Religion is not worth anything to a person who sees and understands how much of religion is a foma- all of it. No one can tell you what is a truth and what is a foma. People must decide for themselves, or their whole lives will turn into lies. There is a world full of lies, all because people do what others want them to do, just so they can fit into society. A society full of lies is not a society at all, but merely one large foma.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Terrorism and Counter-terrorism Essay Essays - Abdullah Yusuf Azzam

Terrorism and Counter-terrorism Essay Essays - Abdullah Yusuf Azzam Professor William Berg TR-101 5/20/15 Terrorism and Counter-terrorism Essay: Terrorism used to be seen by the world's militaries as "low intensity conflict" and many commanders such as you were not often preoccupied with it. For us, exceptionally hot years such as 1983 or 1985 were just thatexceptions. Now it's war. It is a war that the al Qaeda enemy formally declared in 1996, and again in 1998. It's a war made by a long series of attacks upon free peoples. The U.S. only accepted this as "war" at the end of 2001, but it is now affixed to the horizon. To call this war is not to say that it is a wholly military contest. If US government has a grand strategy, then this contest is political, ideological, legal, economic, and moral. It is profoundly moral. President Bush made the accurate parallel between terrorist and pirates or slave-traders. All three categories are natural enemies of humanityan ancient concept of international law, and a good one. On Saturday, the new Pope described terrorism as "perverse," a "cruel decision that shows contempt for the sacred right to life," and "a new barbarism." The global nations, collectively, hold the upper hand in this contest because Allies is a moral cause, and they must not ignore or abandon that moral advantage. Two recent and ugly innovations by terror groups underscore terrorism's profound inhumanity. You may have noticed the new pattern of terror attacks on aid personnel and nongovernmental organizations. What had been rare is now appallingly common. NGOs" are studying the challenge, but have only begun. For now they often close down relief operations and withdraw in the face of terrora prudent response, but one that negates their whole purpose, and satisfies the attackers. Until now, NGOs have tended to want nothing from you as commanders except logistical support for their own work. The less contact the better, it seemed. Now, they may begin asking you to help with their security, which is a most complicated job. A second reminder of the character of terrorism is a new pattern of double-bombings. The first explosive is laid to wound and kill; this damage draws in dozens of medical professionals and "first responders;" (WOLF, 2003) when enough ambulances have arrived, the second timed charge detonates, redoubling the carnage. I first noticed the old Irish Republican Army do this. Then, a right-wing terrorist did it in Atlanta Georgia. The jihadis' Bali Indonesia bombings confirmed the patterna preliminary bomb in a building drove people out into the street, where a far larger bomb murdered many of them. And then, at a fourth point on the globe (Iraq) came the August 17 bombing of a bus terminal in Baghdad. Police naturally rushed to the scene, and that's when a second bomb blew, in the station parking lot. There was a third layer to the plan. Ambulances rushed wounded to a nearby hospital, and there, awaiting them, was a suicide bomber, who then detonated. When terrorism develops such techniqu es it rarely regresses; we'll see more. The moral relativists who will not understand terrorismwho say, "it is nothing more than a weapon of the weak"should ponder the planning in these double-bombings. How hard you commanders work to train your personnel to protect the Red Cross, to steer clear of ambulances, to avoid hospitals as sanctuaries of the wounded, even amidst actual battle. Compare that with what terrorists plot and do in peacetime, with this explicit targeting of medical personnel. The over-heated religious militants led by al Qaeda have an internationalist program. That is evident from their targeting: Nairobi, Casablanca, Istanbul, Riyadh, and Madrid. Their internationalism is just as evident from their recruitment: Saudis, Moroccans, Algerians, Somalis, Yemenis, Filipinos, and Western Europeans of all kinds. The enemy confirms all this in how he trains: al Qaeda's camps in the Sudan, and then Afghanistan, drew tens of thousands, to some 50 training camps, from the corners of the world. In late 2001, in the Afghan war, The Allied coalition captured people from over forty countries! There was of course a Philippines training branch, and another in Indonesia. The array of foreign faces appearing in these camps was widely diverse. The jihadis' internationalism is just as evident in their ideology: as surely

Monday, November 4, 2019

Minimum or living wage on unemployment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Minimum or living wage on unemployment - Essay Example Consequently, minimum wages stifle job vacancies for the minorities, low-skill workers, and the youth. In view of this, the essay classically analyses the impact of a minimum or living wage on unemployment. Minimum wage policies originated from Fair Labour Standard Act (FLSA) which was signed by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1938(Waltman 2004, p.141). During that period, the act covered specific areas in production industry, which include transportation, mining, and manufacturing industries. However, as time went by, other sectors of the economy were added such as public schools, laundries, and construction industry. Currently, the act covers over 85 percent of the labour force. Thus, the state requires employers to comply with the minimum wages set by the state. Minimum wage policies affect the overall economy. Employers are forced to change their living standards to ensure that they accommodate the increase in the minimum wage. Although the government has set a specific level of minimum wage payment, there is only a specific group that is affected by the law. Most employees who get the minimum wage are part-time workers, young workers, and people from poor families. Companies employ people are highly skilled and can perform different tasks at the same time. As a result, some of the workers have lost employment as a result of specialization or lacking the skills that are required in a company. Most employers employ the experienced workers living out the young people who are inexperienced. Thus, most young people are unemployed who paid minimum wages in their areas of work (Waltman 2008, p. 152). A research done by the Bureau of Labour Statistics shows that, 1.8 million employees are paid minimum wages. 49 percent of 1.8 million are the young adult aged 24 and under. 51 percent, or about 1.8 million people are over 25 years old (Rutkowski&Scarpetta 2005, p. 2009). They consist of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Efficient Markets Hypothesis(Financial Economics) Essay

Efficient Markets Hypothesis(Financial Economics) - Essay Example The random movement argument of weak form of efficiency may not be valid argument as research studies have clearly outlined a positive correlation between degree of tending observed in prices as well as the time period. This therefore clearly outlines that the prices do not follow a random path but rather show certain trends. It is however, critical to note that these period are not relatively long but trends do emerge over certain period of time. Behavioral economists argue that markets are imperfect because of the behavioral and cognitive biases. Imperfections in the market emerge as a result of these cognitive behaviors and as such markets may not efficiently operate. These cognitive biases emerge as a result of overconfidence, information and representation bias and other human errors result into errors in judgments. These biases and human error does not allow investors to value the stocks properly and as such, markets show inefficiency. These errors often result into investors buying the growth stocks and ignoring value stocks and those who can reason correctly can profit out of this situation and hence can beat the market easily. Studies conducted on the Indian Stock Exchange outlines the weak form of inefficiency and suggested that the prices actually do not follow random prices. Various local studies in the developing countries have consistently shown the same results that the markets are weak form inefficient at least in the local developing markets. These studies have clearly shown that the markets may not be efficient in any form of efficiency. These arguments have also been supported by other empirical studies indicating that even the strong form of efficiency does not exist. Stocks having low P/E ratios tend to provide higher returns and thus can allow investors to earn abnormal returns if chosen wisely. Investors developing their studies based upon choosing the stocks on P/E ratio can beat the market. It